10 Effective Strategies for Getting Great Google Reviews from Clients

  • Jaychrist Teves
  • |
  • July 24, 2023

As a business owner, you understand the importance of online reputation and the impact that positive reviews can have on your brand. Google Reviews, in particular, play a crucial role in influencing potential customers’ decisions.

A higher number of positive reviews can lead to increased credibility and visibility on Google’s search results. In this article, we will explore ten effective strategies to encourage your clients to leave glowing reviews on Google, as well as tactics to solicit reviews from past clients.

1. Provide Exceptional Customer Experiences

The foundation of receiving great Google Reviews lies in delivering exceptional customer experiences. Ensure that your products or services are of the highest quality and that your customer service is top-notch. When clients are delighted with their interactions with your business, they are more likely to leave positive reviews.

2. Ask for Reviews in Person

Sometimes, all it takes is a simple request. Train your staff to politely ask satisfied clients for reviews at the end of their transactions or appointments. A personal approach can significantly increase the chances of them taking the time to leave a review.

3. Utilize Email Follow-Ups

After completing a transaction or providing a service, send a follow-up email thanking your clients for choosing your business. Include a direct link to your Google Reviews page, making it convenient for them to leave a review with just a click.

4. Create an Appealing Google Reviews Landing Page

Design an attractive landing page that emphasizes the importance of client feedback and directs them to leave a review. Keep the process simple and user-friendly to encourage participation.

5. Offer Incentives (but with Caution)

While offering incentives like discounts or small gifts for leaving reviews might seem tempting, be cautious about this approach, as it can be against Google’s policies. Instead, focus on creating an environment where customers genuinely want to share their positive experiences.

6. Respond to Existing Reviews

Demonstrate your engagement with clients by responding to existing reviews, whether they are positive or negative. Acknowledging feedback shows that you value their opinion, which can motivate others to leave reviews as well.

7. Leverage Social Media Channels

Leverage your social media platforms to promote your Google Reviews page. Encourage followers to share their experiences and leave reviews, showcasing the positive impact your business has on customers.

8. Display Google Review Badges on Your Website

Make it easy for visitors to leave reviews by embedding Google Review badges on your website. These badges can act as direct links to your reviews page and serve as a visual reminder to clients to share their experiences.

9. Implement Review Request Cards

For businesses with physical locations, consider providing review request cards at the checkout counter or reception area. These cards can include a QR code or URL to guide clients directly to the review page.

10. Follow Up with Past Clients

Even after a considerable period, don’t hesitate to reach out to past clients and kindly request their feedback. A simple email or phone call can reignite their positive memories of your business and prompt them to leave a review.


Earning great Google Reviews from clients requires a combination of exceptional customer experiences and proactive strategies to encourage feedback. By asking for reviews in person, using email follow-ups, and promoting your Google Reviews page through various channels, you can enhance your online reputation and build trust with potential customers. Remember, the key is to provide genuine value to clients, creating a lasting impression that inspires them to share their positive experiences with the world.


 Jaychrist Teves

Jaychrist Teves

Hey there, it’s me Jaychrist. I’m a Devoted Father & Husband, Maker of Functional & Meaningful Experiences, & Chief Creative of All Things Awesome at TDPH (Think Digital Philippines) a full service Marketing and Innovation Startup based in Cavite, Philippines. We genuinely help purpose-driven local, creatives, entrepreneurs, and micro-small businesses to have more time to follow what they are really passionate at using the best productivity tools and proven strategies available online. Me and my team are here to help you grow online. Talk to us!

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