Digital Transformation: Keeping Up with the New Normal

  • Jaychrist Teves
  • |
  • January 12, 2022

Distance. The onset of the pandemic brought about many changes when it comes to people’s lifestyle. Since the goal is to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, many are advised to stay at home and remain from having physical contact with other people. This condition greatly affected the industry.

A solution presented to reduce the risk of the virus spread is doing remote work. Working remotely means having to do your job even without a ‘physical office.’ As long as you have a steady internet connection and a PC/laptop, you are good to go.

However, transformation should not be abrupt. It is better to take each level one at a time so as to make less mistakes.

Quick Tips in Starting Your Digital Journey

In most cases, “when you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” It is important that before starting something new, you think about the steps in achieving your goal so you can also calculate the risks that you are taking and assess the time, effort, and resources you will be needing for you to accomplish it.

Here are some good reminders for entering the digital world of business:

1. Readiness is a must

A business should be equipped and prepared with the necessary things in order to go digital.

  • Online platforms – The business should have a website and/or online presence in social media.
  • The owner and staff must utilize simple and accessible communication tools like Skype, Zoom, Slack, and Microsoft Teams.
  • The business owner must make ways to provide training for his or her team members so that they can gain additional knowledge and increase their level of expertise.
  • Communication is key and the team must keep in touch as to track the workflow and dissemination of information.
  • Know that there will be an adjustment period and the digital transformation is not a hasty process. Let the company adapt to the new system and delve deeper into it as time passes.
  • The latest technology should be leveraged. Abrupt changes always happen when it comes to technology and innovation so it is only important to research and be updated with the latest trends.

2. Identify relevant solutions to problems

One good system to use is the SWOT (Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities, and Threats) Analysis in solving conflicts and challenges in a business.At the present time, a professional method in assessing business enterprises’ transition is digital consultancy. Think Digital PH, a budding Information Technology solutions company, caters to this need and opens a window of opportunities for the business owners.

3. Digital Consultancy/Advisory

Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) can start with the following options: creating an informational website, e-commerce website, or use digital marketing. Think Digital PH has these services and is committed in delivering functional experiences to the target audience.It highlights web development, search engine optimization, content marketing, and digital marketing as strategies in selling products online and gaining a greater mileage all with a quick, hassle-free and secured process.

Content marketing came into the scene and it became more rampant with the utilization of the social media platforms and tools. Images or photographs played an important role in not only just selling the brand, but also telling a story beyond the services that a product offers.This method creates a visual message that leaves a mark in the consumer’s mind. Not to mention the captions that add to the clear and quick message reception.

Persuasive digital images help in bringing about the audience’s reactions and inclination to the brand, thereby producing engagement. Starting from a simple yet compelling content, the consumer gets enticed and the virtual or online environment becomes conducive. The online presence acts as a fuel of interest and if the user becomes satisfied with his or her established connection with the seller, it builds trust.

Online interaction is boosted by images, sounds, videos, and other multimedia content that enhance the digital arena. The point is to catch attention and capture it for a long time. Sustainability is important.Businesses have long been more determined to create a brand voice rather than just going into the hard selling of the products. In this way, they create a lasting impression on their consumers and make them coming back for more. They become an authoritative source of their area of expertise.

4. Get involved in Digital Sector Projects

Enterprises need to establish good connections and make partnerships with brands that offer collaborations and team-ups in launching projects that will raise awareness and engagement in the buyers or customers. Think Digital PH can help in attaining this goal with its array of clientele databases.

5. Digital Project Management Services

Effective management contributes to the speed and quality of work. It is not only the projects that are managed, but also the people. When good ethics and values are instilled in the staff, they will be driven to perform out of commitment and excellence to provide the best results.

Remember that “everything is a work in progress,” and every giant leap or stride starts with a small step.Maintaining an organized schedule and tracking the status of a project is essential in gearing towards success. In order to ensure that nothing gets missed out and operations will run in a smoother flow, getting into the details and the nitty-gritty of a task must be done.

Let Your Presence Be Felt And Your Voice Be Heard

“People do not really buy your product always, they buy YOU.” The medium also acts as a message. Enterprises can make the most out of their resources in building a remarkable impression and reputation through digital channels that connect and empathize with people.

This enables them to gain confidence from their consumers. After all, it is not merely about the money they gain, but the legacy they imprint that will not be wiped away for years and the contribution they give to society.

Final Thoughts

We hope you find these actionable tips helpful for your new journey. If anything, we hope it shows that there’s a lot you can achieve even with the new challenges ahead of us. With that said, let us know! If you need help with setting up and managing a proven digital strategy for your business, get in touch with us. We already help a bunch of local businesses succeed with the new normal in the Philippines, and we’d love to help you as well.

 Jaychrist Teves

Jaychrist Teves

Hey there, it’s me Jaychrist. I’m a Devoted Father & Husband, Maker of Functional & Meaningful Experiences, & Chief Creative of All Things Awesome at TDPH (Think Digital Philippines) a full service Marketing and Innovation Startup based in Cavite, Philippines. We genuinely help purpose-driven local, creatives, entrepreneurs, and micro-small businesses to have more time to follow what they are really passionate at using the best productivity tools and proven strategies available online. Me and my team are here to help you grow online. Talk to us!

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