Marketing Climate in 2020: Digital Transformation Trends

  • Jaychrist Teves
  • |
  • August 25, 2020

People look for the freshest content. Readers also consume information that is easier to understand, concise, relevant, not to mention, entertaining. They want to find specific solutions to the problems they encounter every day. Consumers increase their engagement when they can identify a high level of importance in the data they get online and use these to resolve conflicts and deal with life’s turmoils.

Ideas are always evolving and are like germs and viruses that spread out to create an “infection” that will affect how the world works. “Infection” in the sense that it penetrates every human being and with just a little speck or hinto of it and from then on will dominate an entity and be carried from one being to another. An indispensable idea shall planted in a person’s mind for it to spread like wildfire.

Technology trends are ever-changing, unpredictable and dynamic. Content marketers must be always flexible to adapt to these changes.

Here are some key points to consider and remember as one enters into the world of digital content marketing:

Content Marketing

Content marketing is a marketing-focused endeavor on creating, publishing, and distributing content for a specific target online audience.

Marketing Strategies

Commonly used by entrepreneurs and business owners to up their strategy game right now are; videos, blog, infographics, SEO, and podcasts.

Use a content format that best fits you

It may be a blog, video or podcast, depending on what you are most comfortable and good at. You may then cover a topic and vary the formats afterwards.

“There is no perfect content format for any topic.”

Make your content marketing strategies stands out

  • Create insanely actionable content. Use call-to-actions.
  • Devise a good user experience. You may centralize the big thought and take advantage of the white space in the blog. The easier it is to use or digest the content, the greater the traffic it drives to your website.
  • Be sure to have a Title Tag that entices readers or viewers. Provide step-by-step instructions or directions when discussing a topic especially when providing solutions to a specific problem. Link your post to other websites to give your users more depth to their information consumption.
  • Do content roundups, send email newsletters, post on Twitter, boost Facebook Posts to retarget your audience.

Want to start you email marketing? Here are some tools you can use:

  • Mailchimp
  • Campaign Monitor
  • UniSender
  • Constant Contact Mail
  • MailUp
  • VerticalResponse

In order to make your marketing strategy a massive success. You have to distribute it to relevant platforms like (Facebook is still the number 1 site among these:

  • YouTube
  • Instagram
  • Facebook
  • LinkedIn
  • Website blog
  • And other major social media platforms

Stay informed with the trends. Here are some of the following things you should look at the most:

  • Mobility: It is important that the content has compatibility with different devices. As mentioned earlier, use calls-to-action, responsive design, and interactive elements with your contents
  • Personalization has evolved and automation: Artificial intelligence has been started and incorporated already. But, people always want to hear something from real human so make sure to communicate your message with human-touch.
  • Accessibility: Digital assistants and smart speakers are now being utilized.

Marketing Automation & Martech

75% of marketers use tools for marketing automations, and more than half them will still use these in the succeeding year.

  • Web analytics.
  • CRM.
  • Advertising automation.
  • Email marketing.
  • Workflow management.
  • Lead management.

Understand Metrics

There are two basic metrics: traffic and conversions. The goal is to drive traffic into the website and have conversions that will eventually lead to sales.

Establishing Human Connection through Marketing

The content that is published must impart a message that touches the human heart or even soul so that it has a way to connect. There must be an established relationship between the brand and the consumer. Practical tips and a step-by-step guide in solving every day problems are perfect examples of stories of human interest.

Content marketing predictions for 2020

So what do we expect for the 2020s? With the rise of advanced web analytics and marketing technology (martech), content prioritizes on the audience’s preference and is more personalized.

“Content prioritizes on the audience’s preference and is more personalized.”

Content marketing has to do with human existence

It will revolve around storytelling, authenticity, and ethical marketing. Authenticity entails emotional marketing. Human interest stories must be backed by more original research and written with visual content that does not give half-truths about the brand voice.

As Google’s algorithms get smarter, content becomes larger. Only the best content will climb its way to the peak.

Data delivers a human touch

Ironically, before content marketing becomes more human and personalized, it needs to become more data-driven.

Content becomes more customized to the audience as it is making its way to the 2020s, as compared to the early 2010s, where writers create posts just to express themselves and not really for a determined set of audience.

Analysis with methods for ranking must be done nowadays and web analytics must always be in the scene. In this way, they can be ready for competition with other brands.

As content marketing enters 2020s, web analytics tools are the frequently used content marketing technology type.

Expectations in 2020

  • Scientific method in publishing
  • Visual contents and multimedia blogging
  • Creation and distribution of data-driven content
  • Popularity of voice search will become more popular
  • Automation will aid in the strongest impact of digital advertising
  • First-time users will delve into marketing automation
  • Instagram will rise againstFacebook in terms of number of monthly users.
  • High Return of Investment for Email marketing.
  • Personalization and authenticity of content will steer more marketing campaigns.
 Jaychrist Teves

Jaychrist Teves

Hey there, it’s me Jaychrist. I’m a Devoted Father & Husband, Maker of Functional & Meaningful Experiences, & Chief Creative of All Things Awesome at TDPH (Think Digital Philippines) a full service Marketing and Innovation Startup based in Cavite, Philippines. We genuinely help purpose-driven local, creatives, entrepreneurs, and micro-small businesses to have more time to follow what they are really passionate at using the best productivity tools and proven strategies available online. Me and my team are here to help you grow online. Talk to us!

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